Mustard Bath Powder

Therapeutic. Warming. Relaxing.

Gonna make you say, “Ahhhh.”

Eastern medicine has long acknowledged mustard, an ancient warming herb, for its warming, cleansing, and medicinal properties. Mustard baths are great for treating muscular spasms, soreness, relief from chronic joint conditions, helping the body fight infections such as the cold or flu, as well as releasing toxins and impurities.

At Cozy City, we believe it is important to communicate about the ingredients we choose to use and why. Our skin is the largest organ of our body and we want to help it thrive. All ingredients are 100% safe and pure. You can relax and cozy down in confidence!

We currently have one signature Mustard bath blend: This custom blend is great for opening lung and nasal passages and helping to destress and calm the nervous system.

Eucalyptus & Rosemary

Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate* (soothes and softens skin), organic mustard powder* (warms body), gum benzoin (natural stabilizer — tree resin) 100% pure essential oils of: rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon.

*Mustard baths are not recommended for people who are pregnant or have high blood pressure.

Instructional Use:

  • Bath: In a full tub of hot water, dissolve 4 oz (½ cup) ofmustard bath right before getting in. Relax for 20 minutes. Rinse off with a cool shower and dry with a rough towel. Put on your cozy clothes and snuggle down. Stay hydrated.

  • Foot Soak: Dissolve 1 heaping tablespoon of mustard bath into 1 gallon of hot water. Soak your feeties for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and dry thoroughly.

Don’t worry, this won’tstain your tub! Safe for kids!